
Showing posts from March, 2017

Upload XLS sheet and Update Column name "Smart ID" and download the Updated XLS sheet

As you know the CodeIgniter framework follows the MVC(Model/View/Controller) architecture and we explain all the three section along with PHPExcel library which will help to read/write XLS sheet. To start the development you need to first download the PHPExcel library ZIP files from <a href="">HERE</a>. After the download and extract the ZIP files put into the library directory which is already created by the "CodeIgniter" Framework.    We are here to explain how to update a particular column in the uploaded XLS sheet and provided the updated sheet to download. This script is written in CodeIgniter framework and explain every thing how to create & manage the script. Below is the Controller methods create a file (pimsheet.php) into the Controller Directory copy and paste all the code into the files and put into the "Controller" directory. <?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed...

Upload and Delete Image from the Amazon S3 Bucket

List of step you need to perform to upload/delete image from the server. 1. Download the ZIP directory from <a href="">here</a>. which contains all the necessary files and library files which help to upload and delete images form the server. 1.1. To download the ZIP file, Please use the httaccess username/password : demo/demo 2. After download and extract the zip, you found a AmazonS3 directory which contains the files. 3. Open the "s3_confing.php" configuration file and put "awsAccessKey"  and "awsSecretKey" in the s3_config.php file.    Both the "awsAccessKey" & "awsSecretKey" provided by the Amazon S3 at the time of bucket purchase. "Config File " Code mentioned below: <?php // Bucket Name $bucket = "<Put the name of the bucket Here>"; if (!class_exists('S3'))require_once('S3.php');            //AWS access info if (!defined('...

Jquery Form Validation and Submission

We have created a simple script to validate the form using jQuery. jQuery provides the client-side validation of the form. For the jQuery validation we used to add the two library files: 1. jquery-1.10.2.js 2. jquery.validate.js Here are an example to display how to implement jQuery on the page, we have three fields which we have validated here: 1. fullname 2. email 3. mobile We have also checked the "fullname" and "email" uniqness with using the "remote" method. This validation is implemented on the "CodeIgniter" Framework here: <script id="demo" type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() {     // validate signup form on keyup and submit for company profile     var validator = $("#cadminForm").validate({         rules: {             fullname: {                 ...

Bigbasket - Redirect to the Bigbasket Product Detail Page without choosing the location

Please Use this URL for redirection from widget to Bigbasket:;l=0&amp;s=0&amp;n= Here are the details of the variable which use in the query string: "c" stands for "City Name" "l" stands for "Location" "s" stands for "Street" "n" stands for "Buy Now URL of the PDP Page" Please have a look to this line of code which we implement for Bigbasket redirection without the use of an Iframe in the back-end. Bigbasket - Redirect to the Bigbasket Product Detail Page without choosing the location

5 Simple steps to improve the performance of a CodeIgniter Site

5 Simple steps to improve the performance of a CodeIgniter applications. Speed Test, Identify error on the result, HTML output, Page Caching, and Gzip.  1.   Speed Test: First to test the speed of your website to using the tool like Pingdom. it is a free tool that helps to test your website performance from different locations. 2.   Identify error on the result: This Tool displayed all the result and list of files how is taking more time to load and the user can see the result over there check the files and found the root cause of the error and resolve. 3.   HTML output: if any white space exists in the HTML output, Hooks will perform this kind of job to remove white space. Go to "config" directory to open the "config.php" file and enable hooks: $config['enable_hooks'] = TRUE; Hooks provides the provision for extending the core of CodeIgniter, Hooks are defined in config path: application/config/hooks.php file. Each hook is specif...